QC Monthly Recap Reports

Definitions     Procedures




The Monthly Recap Report provides the means to produce a listing of QC values for any desired time frame from one month to a year or more. Recap records remain in the CyberLAB system files until deleted through the Delete QC Reports submodule.

Data used to generate Monthly Recap Reports is compiled from the records created at the time of final month end reporting of the QC Statistical Reports submodule.

Every time the Month End report is generated through the Statistical Reports submodule, a recap record is created for that test/known/month which can then be produced via this Monthly Recap Report function.

The information listed in the Monthly Recap Report is as follows:

  1. Test Code, Test Name, and Known

  2. Month of recap record

  3. Number of total individual results used in calculations

  4. Low result value

  5. Mean result value

  6. High result value

  7. Standard Deviation

  8. Coefficient of Variation

  9. Known Lot Number






To leave a screen in the CyberLAB system, always click the Exit button at the upper-right corner of the screen.  

Do not use the (red or black) X button at the top-right corner of the screen. This action can affect operation of the application.




QC Report Options

This drop-down list offers three options:


Printer ID

The Printer ID text box displays when you select the Print Report to Printer selection on the QC Report Options drop-down list.


Enter in the text box the ID for the printer that is to produce the report, or double-click in the text box to display the Printer selection list. To print the report, you must designate a printer.

Use All Tests for Report

This drop-down list offers two options:


Test Code

If No is selected within the Use All Tests for Report drop-down list, the Test Code label and text box appear and an entry is required.

Enter a four-digit Test Code or a five-character abbreviation, or double-click in the text box to display the Test Dictionary selection list. After a valid Test Code is entered or selected, the test name, units, decimal precision and lot number displays on the screen for visual confirmation.

Use All Knowns for Report

This drop-down list offers two options:



If No is selected within the Use All Knowns for Report drop-down list, the Known label and text box appears and an entry is required.

Enter X1 - X8 (where X = any letter) to generate a report for a known for which results have been entered.

Both the Test and Known must previously have been defined in the QC Dictionary before reports can be generated.

Use All Devices for Report

This drop-down list offers three options:

Device ID

If No is selected within the Use All Devices for Report drop-down list, the Device ID label and text box appears and an entry is required.

Start Date (required)

The earliest date within a range of dates to be included in the Monthly Recap Report, or to be deleted from the QC recap statistics.

End Date (required)

The last date within a range of dates to be included in the report, or to be deleted from the QC recap statistics.




Note to Keyboard Users:  To navigate around a screen or scroll within a selection list, use the Tab key to move down and the Tab and Shift keys to move up. Press the Enter key to select the data.

For a shortcut key, also known as a hot key, press the Alt key and the key corresponding to the letter that is underlined, for example, Alt + O for OK.

Perform these steps:

  1. Within the QC Report Options drop-down list, select one of these options:

    Print Report to Printer

    To generate a hard copy printout of the Monthly Recap Report.

    Output Report to Screen

    To view the report.

    Delete Report Records

    To delete the selected QC Monthly Recap Statistics.

  2. There are two options: Yes or No.

    Use All Tests for Report

    If you do want to use all test for the report, click within the Use All Tests for Report text box to display the drop-down list. Click to select Yes.

    Not Use All Tests for Report

    If you do NOT want to use all tests for the report, click within the Use All Tests for Report text box to display the drop-down list. Click to select No. If you select the No option, the Test Code text box displays.

    Enter Test Code:

    Enter within the text box the four-digit Test Code or the five-character abbreviation that you want to include in the Monthly Recap Report or delete from the report records. If you enter or select an invalid Test Code or abbreviation, an error message displays.

    Or, Select Test Code:

    Double-click within the Test Code text box to display the Test Dictionary selection list. Double-click the appropriate test.

    For further information, see Selection List Know How.

  3. There are two options: Yes and No.

    All Knows for Report

    If you want to use all knows for the report, click within the Use All Knowns for Report text box to display the drop-down list. Click the Yes option to select it.

    Not Use All Knows for Report

    If you do not want to use all knowns for the report, click within the Use All Knowns for Report text box to display the drop-down list. Click the No option to select it. If you select the No option, the Known text box displays. Enter or select the known.

    Enter Known

    Enter within the text box the Known Code you want to include in the Monthly Recap Report to delete from the report records. If you enter an invalid Known Code, an error message appears.

    Select Known

    Double-click within the Known text box to display the QC Dictionary selection list. Double-click the appropriate known.

  4. Select the devices you want to include in the report.

    - To include all devices on the selected report or to delete report records for all devices.

    - To report on a specific device.

    - To include all devices on which a specific quality control test and/or known have been run. Enter or select the Device ID.

    Enter Specific Device

    If you select No, the Device ID text box displays. Enter within the Device ID text box the appropriate Device ID, if you know it.

    Select Specific Device

    If you do not know the Device ID, double-click within the text box to obtain the Device ID selection list. Double-click the appropriate Device ID.


    If you select Combine, the CyberLAB system automatically identifies all devices that have run the same quality control test and known, and either generates a combined report or deletes all combined report records.

  5. Enter the earliest date that you want included in the report.

    Enter Start Date:
    Click within the Start Date text box and triple-click to highlight the 00/0000 date. Press the Delete key or the Backspace key to delete the 00/0000 date. Enter the start date, making sure to include the slash. If you neglect to type in the / after the first two digits, an error message displays.

    If you neglect to enter a start date, an error message displays.

    For further information, see Dates, Calendars and Times.

  6. Enter the latest date that you want included in the report. Repeat Step 5 for the End Date.

  7. Click the OK button to output the report to the screen, to print the report to the selected printer, or to delete the selected report records.

    REMINDER:  Only those tests/knowns that had Final Month End Statistical reports generated are available for the Monthly Recap Report.

    Or, click the Exit button to not accept the selections or entries and return to the main menu.