Many processes or procedures within the CyberLAB system require you to make or change date or time entries.
Review the following information to learn how to streamline your encounters with these text boxes.
Start Date, Discharge Date, End Date, Readmit Date, Optional Default Collection Date, Delete Records On or Before, Date of Birth, and Scheduled Date are but a few of the many date text boxes that you encounter as you use the CyberLAB system. Most are populated when they appear; some are not.
The information that follows will give you general information on how to enter dates within a blank date text box, how to change a date in whole or in part, and how to use the CyberLAB system's calendar function.
How to Change the Date in a Populated Date Test Box
Usually, when you access a screen, the date text box is already populated with a place-holding date (00/00/0000) or with a default date (01/01/1980 in a Start Date text box or 12/31/2079 in an End Date text box).
If the date displayed is not the date you want to use, you can use the calendar to change it or you might be required to manually delete the existing date before you enter the new date.
You can use any one of several techniques to manually delete the date:
Click within the date text box and then press the Backspace key or the Delete key.
Left-click and drag the pointer over the date displayed within the date text box, and then either type over the highlight date or press the Delete key or the Backspace key.
Double-click within the date text box to obtain the calendar. The original date is automatically replaced by the date selected from the calendar.
Also, some of the CyberLAB system's date text boxes can be changed an element at a time. For example, the date displayed is 09/01/2004 and you want to process data for the next month, or 10/01/2004. Simply position the pointer over the month element of the date and click. The two-digit month becomes highlighted. Press the Delete key or the Backspace key to delete the 09 and type in 10.
Date Entry Formats
The CyberLAB system allows you to enter (type) the date in any of five formats. Please enter dates using the format specified in your facility's standard operating procedures. The formats available for use include:
MMDDYYYY - Two-digit month, two-digit day, four-digit year, no slashes. Most references to the format to be used when you enter dates in the CyberLAB system refer, by default, to this format.
MMDDYY - Two-digit month, two-digit day, two-digit year, no slashes
MM/DD/YY - Two-digit month, slash, two-digit day, slash, two-digit year
MM/DD/YYYY - Two-digit month, slash, two-digit day, slash, four-digit year
M/D/YY - Single-digit month, slash, single-digit day, slash, two-digit year.
Note: In the date entry examples above, M refers to month; D refers to date; and Y refers to year.
Note: The default deliminator between month, date and year is a slash (/). If your facility desires a deliminator other than a slash, a dot or a dash can be substituted. Contact your Aspyra representative to implement a substitution.
Note: The default format is month, day, year. The CyberLAB system can be set to display date, month, year. This formatting must be established during system implementation.
How to Use the Calendar to Select a Date
Most date text boxes within the CyberLAB system include calendar functionality. The presence of a calendar is indicated by a calendar icon (or sometimes a magnifying glass icon) to the right of the date text box.
To use the calendar, follow these steps:
Verify that the calendar function is available within the text box by looking to the right of the text box and finding an icon. If an icon is displayed, double-click within the date text box, even if it contains a date, or scroll to the text box and press the Enter key to display the calendar.
If the month displayed within the calendar is not the month you want to select, position the pointer within the month text box and click to obtain the drop-down selection list.
Position the pointer over the desired month and click, or use the up and down arrows to highlight the desired month and press the Tab key or the Enter key to select the highlighted month.
If the year displayed is not the year you want to select, position the pointer within the year text box and click to obtain the drop-down selection list.
Position the pointer over the desired year and click, or use the up and down arrows to highlight the desired year and press the Tab key or the Enter key to select the highlighted year.
You must use your pointer to select the day, even if the day that is highlighted is the date you want to select. Position the pointer over the desired day and select it. The day must be selected last to close the calendar. The date text box will display the month, date and year that you selected.
Caution: The CyberLAB system validates the dates entered in all date text boxes. If an invalid or incomplete date is entered, an error message appears. You will not be able to proceed to other functions until after you click the OK button to acknowledge the message (if required) and correct or clear the invalid date.
Time text boxes within the CyberLAB system display the time of day in 24-hour cycles. Enter time as hours, followed by a colon and then the minutes, followed by another colon and then the seconds, when seconds are used. For example: 01:15 is 1:15 A.M., and 15:17 is 3:17 P.M.
The information that follows will give you general information on how to change the time displayed within a text box in whole or in part.
How to Change the Time within a Populated Time Text Box
Usually when you access a screen that includes a time text box, the time is already displayed. If the time displayed is not the time you want to use, you can change it manually.
To do so, either:
Click within the time text box and then press the Backspace key or the Delete key to delete the existing time. Type in the new time using one of the formats discussed below.
Left click and drag the pointer over the time displayed within the date text box to highlight it, and then either press the Backspace key or the Delete key, or type over the highlighted date using one of the formats discussed below.
Time Entry Formats
The CyberLAB system allows you to enter (type) the time in using any of three formats, including:
HHMMSS - Two-digit hour, two-digit minute, two-digit second, no colons
HH:MM:SS - Two-digit hour, colon, two-digit minute, colon, two-digit second
H:M:SS - One-digit hour, colon, one-digit minute, colon, two-digit second
Note: In the time entry examples above, H refers to hour; M refers to minute; and S refers to second.
Note: If seconds are displayed in the time text box, you will be required to enter seconds.
Most of the CyberLAB system's time text boxes can be changed an element at a time, too. For instance, the time displayed is 11:22:33 and you know that 10:22:33 is the correct time, position the pointer over the second 1 in the hour position and click. Then, press the Backspace key or the Delete key (as appropriate) to delete the 1 and type in a 0. It's simple.
Caution: The CyberLAB system validates the time entered in a time text box. If an invalid or incomplete time is entered, an error message appears. You will not be able to proceed to other functions until after you click the OK button to acknowledge the message (if required) and correct or clear the invalid time entry.